About two months ago, we were introduced to the beauty that is an ENORMOUS brown leather backpack — this one in particular, vegetable-tanned leather, by Saint Rita Parlor. It’s a feeling of, “Nah, I totally don’t need such a large backpack, I already have so many small backpacks, like I already have twenty Herschel and Fjallraven backpacks… No, yeah… I definitely don’t need it… Well, let me just see how it looks… Oh… Wow… OH WOW OH MY GOURD OH WOW OH MY GOURD OH MY GOURD OH MY GOURD. Look at me. LOOOOOOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEE.” It’s a big step to invest a little more in a bag, let alone find the right one, so here are some others we found online below:

5 responses to “BROWN BAGS”
Great brown bag! It probably will be too big for me.. xD
Best, Albert | Palming Pebbles
Wow..Love the bags. It’s actually something I’ve been looking at. Something I can take a few small ring cases when I go see a customer. – Rob
Big backpacks can definitely be a god-send.
Josh | The Kentucky Gent
Love these type of bags, really want to get something similar myself.
Hey guys I’m so glad you talked about this trend that is large brown bags, because i find them to be everything. i Ibought my fist one this past fall and i feel it just adds so much more depth to my looks. When i don’t have time to dress in the morning i just put on a tee and pair of skinny jeans and throw on my brown bag and for some strange reason it looks like a very thought out look. But I know it is all because my awesome large brown backpack.