Yummertime's men's Instagram style

In the same way that most individuals consider eating dog rates to be weird, so too has the weather been in San Francisco — weird. And for us, both have been truer than true, given that Brock tricked Chris into eating a crouton with a dog treat tucked beneath it, unbeknownst to him.

In our last Instagram monthly recap for September, we spoke highly of wearing colors even into the gloomy days of Fall. And if there’s any proof that we’re convicted rebels, here it is. We must be the TRUE rebels of our generation, surely.

Don’t EVER let anyone tell you that you can’t wear more color when it’s colder than Donald Trump’s heart.

Here’s our routine recap of our Instagram over the course of the past month, this time for October, from layers and more layers to denim, flannel, graphic sweatshirts, peach tones, and fluffy, furry, fuzzy vests!

If you’re feeling frisky, shop some of our October favorites below:

Chris and Brock, of Yummertime, men's Instagram style, men's overalls

Shop denim:

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Chris and Brock, of Yummertime, men's Instagram style, men's layers

Shop layers:

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Chris and Brock, of Yummertime, Instagram men's style for fallChris and Brock, of Yummertime, Instagram men's sweaters for fall

Shop graphic sweatshirts:

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Chris and Brock, of Yummertime, Instagram men's fall looks









  1. Kosta Karakashyan Avatar

    The first two pictures are so adorable. Great selection of looks this month, especially the matching Pools & Rose sweatshirts!

    Kosta // Cool Gear Cavalier