Real men wear linen. So much linen. Which is all to say, we’re finding just another way to call ourselves real men, because, we’ve been wearing a lot of linen lately and we’d like to suggest that we’re very manly, so it only seems natural to correlate the two… The simple formula to manliness, solved.
HOLD IT. KATY PERRY JUST RETWEETED US. No, never mind. That’s not really her account. Back to our discussion on linen.
Sure, sure, sure, we love cotton. 100% cotton. That’s a love affair we’ll never refuse — SUCH temptation. But, the feeling of linen on our bodies sends shivers down our spines.
We’re willing to bet a large portion of men don’t wear linen all that much anymore, and so, to us, it’s a feeling of power, a.k.a we’re giggling to ourselves like two kindergartner girls who just discovered that all boys have cooties, walking past men on the sidewalk uncomfortably sweating in 90% polyester. Sweating.
We took to the road yesterday (meaning, we walked three blocks) and ventured over to the Castro farmers’ market, linen pants and shirt and all. We have to say, the pictures of fruit seem to compliment our outfits, rightttttttttt?! We’re clearly so serious.
So, um, did we persuade you to buy some more linen? 😛

2 responses to “REAL MEN WEAR LINEN”
In this humid weather linen is a lifesaver.
Josh | The Kentucky Gent
I love linen attire too! <3
Best, Albert | Palming Pebbles