Brock, of Yummertime, wearing a Patagonia vest for fallThe best kind of vest is one that looks like a green Muppet. And if that’s not available, any fluffy, furry, fuzzy vest will do.

The reason being, the instant we put one on, as fluffy as can be, the instant we feel like we’re more than human. We’re a fluffy human. And THAT is a feeling one should never pass up. To be a fluffy human.

Not to mention, a fluffy vest is an easy risk to take when it comes to any look. The types of compliments you’re sure to receive: “Your vest is so furry, puffy, fluffy! LET ME TOUCH YOU” and “OH MY GOURD, LET ME HUG YOU, I NEED A HUG RIGHT NOW.”

Here’s a quick round-up of our favorite vests out there in the Internets:









One response to “FLUFFY, FURRY, FUZZY VESTS”

  1. […] Through the process of selecting a winter coat or, even say, a backpack, the line between livestock and actual human being can become incredibly blurry. Dare we say, there’s even the potential to look like neither, and instead be more appropriate for a date with Kermit the Frog, which could totally be fun. We’ve been there. […]