yummertime men's summer style

Truth be told, we were basically semi-naked throughout the month of August. Almost as if we were going through a Kardashian-like period of style, where the less clothes we wore, the closer we were to having an E! reality show of our own, dozens of weight loss and morning sickness drug endorsements, our own hair extension line, AND an infinite amount of moments where we tell ourselves “we’ve made it” when tying ourselves into our waist training girdles. KIDDING. BUT, WAIT, WE’RE NOT. Such a dream. KIDDING. Okay, maybe just a little.

That moment when you think you’re funny… but, you’re not.

Regardless, here’s our monthly round-up of our Instagram for August 😛 for the times we did wear clothes, we took to tees and oversized tanks (from ASOS or American Apparel, usually) to mostly swim shorts. This was August 🙂

Shop some of our summertime favorites below:

yummertime men's summer shorts

yummertime men's summer sunglasses

yummertime men's summer polo shirts

yummertime men's summer tank tops

yummertime men's summer swim suits




