We took these photos earlier today in our apartment and now we’re writing this post in an airport, albeit while sitting next to a man who wakes himself up each time he gargoyle-snores. So sad. But, in just twelve sweet, blissful, potentially child-screaming-filled, 100% ZZZquil-induced hours, we’ll finally be in Key West.

And… we packed a lot.

Like, a lot, a lot.

Like, end of the world, a lot.

Like, we’re never packing this much again but that’s such a lie to ourselves, a lot.

This is our reality. We’re both basically carrying body bags filled with clothes — just clothes… and some cameras… but, so many clothes… — parading them around as carry-on duffle bags. The airport staff even asked us to put them in those ‘your carry-on should fit here’ vestibules, and we were all like, “no, yeah, they’re totally carry-on… they’re like squishy. You just have to… press… them… down…” They didn’t fit. But, we think the Delta Airlines lady liked us 🙂

And all while we packed SO MUCH MORE than what’s in these photos, at least for this post, these are our 5-day Key West trip essentials: a new Panama hat, funky banana shorts, a new summer citrus cologne, sunnies, lip balm and deodorant. Always deodorant. Ew. But, yeah.

Oh, and it’s supposed to hurricane rain the entire time we’re there. So… we packed rain gear?! Aka, our excuse to double our travel wardrobe and tell everyone, well, we didn’t know what the weather was going to be like.

UPDATE as of 12:55 EST: We made it to Miami! Now driving to Key West. Then nap time.

KEY_WEST_2KEY_WEST_3KEY_WEST_4KEY_WEST_5Shop some of our summer travel essentials below:



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2 responses to “KEY WEST PACKING PARTY”

  1. Albert Avatar

    That banana shorts! <3

    Best, Albert | Palming Pebbles

  2. Stephanie H. Avatar

    Please check out La Rubia Key West while you’re here! Authentic Panama hats hand woven in Ecuador of 100% toquilla straw. Thanks!